Thursday, June 4, 2020

What are the best one-minute life hacks?

1. Flip your burger before eating it. This decreases the chances of everything falling out the sides as it will press down on the loose items.

2. Put water in a glass, not a bottle. Our mind does not like unfinished things, so by putting water in a glass you are more likely to finish it and drink more throughout the day.

3. Get a song out of your head by singing the end. By the same reason as mentioned above you can easily get songs unstuck by singing the last line of the song.

4. Take better breaks. Sit back in your chair and turn it around. Do not get up, do some conscious breaths and sit there for 45 seconds. That is all the time you need to get recharged.

5. “Just one more…”. When you are at your limit at work or when exercising repeat this sentence in your head “Just one more set/rep/block of 15 minutes of work/etc.” This will put your brain in the mindset of being done soon and you will get more work done. Sometimes you can even do it more than once.

6. Smile at strangers. A simple smile can make someone’s entire week. Just because you smiled at them when they needed it most. This does not require any work and you do not even have to talk to them. Just smile.

Wake up early in the morning everyday without an alarm clock.

Use your pillow as an alarm clock. I’ll tell you how.

Just before you go to sleep, sit on your bed, hold your pillow close and whisper(in its ears).

“Wake me up at <time> A.M “

E.g. “Wake me up at 5 A.M”

Say this to your pillow at least 15 times (slowly) . Surprisingly, your eyes will automatically open at 5 AM or whatever time you told your pillow.

It works for me. Try it tonight, say the exact sentence “Wake me up at 5 A.M” and see if it works.

Couldn’t find a better picture. Sorry about that.

Great to see so many people practicing this technique and its working for everyone :) . And yes you all are right.

It is obvious that the pillow won’t strangle you at 5 AM to help wake you up. It is you who is waking yourself up.
It can be done without a pillow or with other objects. Pillow is used for the same reason idols are used in religious institutions. (Consider pillow your alarm God)
Why 15 times, why not 12 or 8 times ? If this technique is working for you, it means you have trained your subconscious to reach a state of alertness at a certain time. You train your mind through repetition. After a certain time it becomes a habit, you don’t have to do anything. Its up to you, how you train your mind.

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