Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bobby Shmurda Loses Another Bail Bid

Bobby Shmurda bail deniedFour times Bobby Shmruda has requested bail on his charges of drug-dealing and weapons possession.
This afternoon, for the fourth time, a judge said no.
Today was supposed to be the start of Shmurda’s trial. But instead Judge James Burke pushed it  to Feb. 22, even though Bobby’s been locked up since
December of 2014.
Shmurda’s new lawyer Alex Spiro (his third since being arrested) asked Burke to allow the 21-year old to spend next four and half months at home. Special Narcotics Prosecutor Nigel Farinha objected, saying their case against Bobby was stronger than ever, and that the ‘Hot Nigga’ star’s financial resources and ties to Florida make him a flight risk.
The judge agreed with Farinha, and Shmurda’s bail remains at $2 million.

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